Blogging started with writing your heart out, it was sharing people what you learnt and you know to help them or make their lives easier. but every year, the term blogging is losing the purpose of its origin. Blogging should be out of passion, to help another girl in some way, may it be easing her heart, or helping her choose a product or suggesting them something you tried. it is lending a hand to another girl in need.

But do you think that it still holds all that?, I know I’m touching an electric fence talking about blogging. But I’m really proud that we still stand by the golden age. we are bloggers, who research and help you with products and other things just to help you out.

                                             BLOGGING IS MY SUPER POWER, WHAT IS YOURS?

But not blogs end well, most of us even with amazing content struggle each day. But don’t give up, keep doing whatever you are doing and someday you will reach where you wanted to go. But before that let me remind you don’t get into blogging just for the sake of earning. If that’s what made you want to blog then no offence but this isn’t your calling, blogging needs nurturing and passion, it is the art or writing and helping so don’t come with big hopes.

Apart from all these things, there are certain things you need to abide by to set your standard here in the blogging world.


Blogging is one way of reaching out to another, you may have a million things in mind and hand but your ideas and thoughts will only be alive somewhere around the globe if you build a good relationship with the readers. No one looks at a post on their feed for longer than three seconds, unless you make it pop and pull their attention they will not get to know you. So reach out, tweet and post on all platforms. Throw a quirky net and pull in readers and start building a family slowly.


Now that we have got their attention for more than a few seconds, now it’s up to you to keep them closer. Cultivate a relationship, be responsive, answer them, reply them, treat them your own. Blogging is purely your view and thoughts, so instead of shoving your thoughts at them, ask them what they think. Include questions like What do they think about this, and what would be their opinion, or if you are right? in your blog, question them and interact.


Having a few people read your blog doesn’t mean you got it all. Making them stay is the hardest part, you need to make your blog look good and neat, No one has the patience to read a clumped post. Bold your views, add pictures talk about things on your blog, the same way you talk to your friends, be open, de-clutter your page’s sides. Stick to a simple design and write good stuff. The main thing you need to give the most priority to is the heading. Choose headings that will make everyone want to know what it is about.


Every one of us has come across a blog we all loved and wanted to stay tuned to their next post, but eventually, we tend to forget that even existed. Most of us only read if it comes at our doorstep. To make it easy for all start using subscribing and email methods, that sends them a mail or notifies them when a new post has been posted. There are general sites which help you hook them up and notify them. That means you will always be in their mind or in their notification centre that they never forget you.


If you have a huge content then you need to break the paragraph. People usually skip paragraphs so put in short sentences.Use bold and italics with different font sizes, use bulletins or number your points. Add images and align them with the related content. Add quotes and make the reader relate to you as much as you can. Choose a range of people to get to know what’s trending in their era and use references that they would relate to.


Keywords are words that link your page when someone types the word in their search engine. so use popular most searched keywords in your posts. But Don’t overdo it with keywords, though; using keywords too repetitively will start to look unnatural to your readers.


Make your blog mobile friendly, only 2 out of 10 use laptops to surf through non-work related content, everything happens only through the mobile phones. so make your site mobile friendly,  use plugins that do not ruin the content by unaligned them. Use pictures that are supported by mobile phones and also remember to not minimize the size of the text below 8, because it is going to get on the nerves of people reading on their phones.


All blogs need names that will hook anyone who comes across it. Stick on to quirky attractive names that relate to your content. Don’t use formal names that bore the youth, know what’s hitting the streets, research what’s topping the charts and choose names that a person of every age might know.


Once a reader has chosen you, you need to make it worth their time. use good introductions that states something that you want to tell them, rather than your name and where you hail from or even what you studied. Ask questions like are you searching for the perfect outfit? and excite them with what you do. Keep things cheerful and well balanced.



Plugins allow you to add new features to your WordPress blog. Some work behind the scenes. Others change the look and feel of your site for readers.Plugins do have a couple of drawbacks, though. Outdated or badly coded ones can cause security problems. For both of these reasons, it’s important to deactivate and delete plugins that you’re not using and to regularly update those you do use.


Give your readers a good experience that they will suggest you to someone else if they face any trouble or has been hurt by your content. apologise for the troubles caused. Look into whatever has happened and assure them that it has been taken care of. Treat them well they will treat you better.


The blogging world has outgrown the population of a few countries. The possibility that the content or thought that has been lingering in your mind has already been written more than a hundred times is higher. so before you start to research and give a new flavour or touch to it, be unique, only then will you be recognised.


Your blog’s theme – sometimes called a template – is what makes it look the way it does. You can change the theme and keep all of your content intact, though they might end up looking very different.There are premium themes that you can buy, which comes with more features and better styling. If you want to go for the sample ones then choose something that will go along with your content


In WordPress, a widget is a little block that sits in your sidebar. It is a list of your five most popular posts, a snippet of information about you. or almost anything else you can imagine.There are plenty of handy widgets built into WordPress, and you can install plugins to extend the basic widget functionality.

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