

JD annual design awards 2015

I attended JD annual design awards this year, it started on 1st July 2015 and ran for two days. The collections showcased by the students of JD institute of technology was amazing and heart touching. https://instagram.com/p/4oPVuNJMjL/?taken-by=kajalmishra https://instagram.com/p/4oRdt5pMlh/?taken-by=kajalmishra Esteemed designers like Rocky S, Manjeet Bhullar , Varija Bajaj, Shantanu and Nikhil, Saket Modi, etc attended the event, it […]

How to dress for an interview

  How to dress for an interview is probably the least discussed topic, yet impacts your life so much. You get a call for interview and you prepare everything to do your best in interview. Now let’s prepare you to look best for the occasion too. It’s time to focus on your perfect interview look. What is the perfect interview […]