15 Tips To Keep Your Feet Beautiful and healthy!

Us women would go to mars if we knew it had a permanent solution to healthy looking and unflawed skin. (But sadly it doesn’t, and we can’t go!)

However, one thing we can agree upon is that the foremost criteria of feeling confident stems from how hygienic we are in taking care of our bodies. And even though we have perfectly laid out beauty regimes for our faces, we, unfortunately, miss out on taking care of our feet. So, we bring to you 15 tips to keep your feet beautiful.


The most important first step to keeping your feet clean is maintaining their hygiene. That includes washing them thoroughly just as you would wash any other part of your body while showering, then drying them with a towel, and thoroughly moisturizing them.


Everyone has a bottle of Vaseline in their homes. So, apply it to your feet just before you hit the bed and wash it off the next morning. Within a day or two, you’ll notice that the texture of the skin on your feet is becoming smoother and softer. (But don’t expect results overnight, it’s Vaseline, not some magic potion).

Vaseline Original Pure Skin Jelly for only Rs. 95/-

3-Rosewater & Glycerin

Rosewater and Glycerin are a godly combination. While glycerin improves the texture of the skin, rose water repairs and soothes any irritation on the skin. Give yourself a massage while applying the combination on your feet, improving your blood circulation.

Dabur Gulabari Rose Water for Rs. 68/-

4-Pumice Stone

A pumice stone is a convenient go-to product when it’s been ages since you properly pampered your feet as a result of which spots and callouses develop. Pumice stone helps you remove dead skin cells which form the callouses. One should avoid walking barefoot often to avoid cracks and callouses.

Pumice Stones for removing Callouses.

5-De-tan Your Feet

Many people have an uneven skin tone on the feet. You can tackle this by applying an effective homemade mixture of warm milk, a pinch of salt and lemon, and treat yourself with a massage for 15-20 minutes.

6-Banana Pulp

For smooth and pretty-looking feet, you will need to mash up a banana. The pulp of the fruit is what you need to use on the cracks of your feet. (Eat one too while you’re at it) Keep it on for a span of 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with lukewarm water afterward.

7-Honey As An Antibacterial

Take a scoop of natural or processed honey and mix it with a bucket of lukewarm water. Keep your feet submerged for good 15-20 minutes and let honey perform its antibacterial properties. Then pat your feet dry using a towel and prevent bacteria from growing.

Patanjali Honey for Rs 135/-


You’re not a lady in the truest sense if you don’t know what pedicures are. In fact, it is suggested to get pedicures done every 15 days or once a month (Not once in a year like me). You can either go to a salon (but make sure their equipment are perfectly sterilized) or do it at home.

VLCC Pedi Glow Foot Care Kit for Rs. 494/-

9-Spa Kits

Mechanized spa kits for feet are a token of appreciation for the amount of hard work our feet endure on a daily basis. (They come straight from the heavens, I swear!) Spa kits have everything that your feet need after having walked in 5inches of heels for the whole day only so your handsome boss could notice you.

Foot spa massager for relaxing and rejuvenating your feet.

10-Foot Masks

Foot masks are my personal favorite go-to products for giving my feet the king size treatment. They help get rid of callouses, dead skin cells and softens your feet like you were just born with them.

LuxaDerme Peeling & Exfoliating Mask
Volcano Foot Mask by Lush Cosmetics


11-Mechanical Hard Skin Removers

Technology really does provide comfort in every way possible. Check out these mechanical hard skin removers that don’t tire your delicate hands and help you solve the problem for your feet with minimum effort and a lot of ease.

Scholl’s Express Pedi Electronic Skin Remover For Feet for Rs. 900/-
IT’s Pedicure Electronic Foot File Tool For Rs. 299/-


12-Creams for Cracks

Our skin becomes very dry and flakey during the colder months. It’s not just our facial or body skin but our feet too suffer from the dryness of the harsh winters. So one can try using crack creams to solve this purpose.


Himalaya Wellness Foot Care Cream for only Rs. 88/-
Handmade Khadi Herbal Foot Crack Cream made of Jasmine and Green Tea for only Rs. 135/-

13-Olive Oil

Olive oil is not only a healthy cooking oil but also a great moisturizing agent for your skin. It leaves your feet feeling smooth and soft. So, start with dipping a cotton ball in olive oil and massaging your feet in a circular motion. Then cover your feet with a warm towel for an hour and wash your feet afterward with lukewarm water.


You can easily figure out a person’s hygiene by taking a single glance at their feet, and especially at their nails. Your nails should always be trimmed and in case you like them a little long for aesthetic purposes, they should always be cleaned regularly. This is a very necessary tip if you want to have beautiful feet.

15-Socks & Shoes

This might not seem like a very important tip, but it is! You can apply all kinds of methods but if your feet aren’t getting a good environment none of that works. Socks and Shoes affect the moisture of your feet and accordingly prevent bacteria or fungi from growing if they get too much of it. The right kind of socks absorb sweat in the feet and prevent odor. Also, always remember to wear socks whenever you’re wearing covered shoes.Good luck with your feet ladies!

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