A Day in the Life of a Fashion Blogger!!!

Hello Loves!
I get asked a lot about my blogging life and itโ€™s always fun to respond to people, to tell them how I work, how much time I spend conceptualizing a post, how do I shoot my photos (often where I shop from) ๐Ÿ˜€ and much more! So I decided to blend all your queries and make it a post and Voila! You get a sneak peek into my life! ๐Ÿ˜€ Here I am spilling beans on what a day in life of a fashion blogger looks like, with all the drama, all the work and some behind the scene action! ๐Ÿ˜€

A lot of things have changed since I moved to Goa from Delhi. My routine has changed entirely, there are less events/shows to attend, less hustle bustle but more peace and more calm! ๐Ÿ™‚

7:30 am โ€“ Rise and shine! I am not an early riser so I force myself to wake up when my maid rings the bell. ๐Ÿ˜€ When I wake up I check my phone for missed Instagram feeds, a quick look at my blogโ€™s stat and emails and then plan my day ahead. Weekends are more relaxed, I generally wake up late and shoot for various blog-post that have been decided earlier in the week. ๐Ÿ˜€

9:00 am โ€“ Time to officially get the day started! This time generally I have breakfast (everything healthy and light) and after fifteen minutes of chores and stuff, I get my stuff together and head to gym straight!

12:00 pm – I am back home after a power-filled gym session and time for quick shower! By this time I am at my speed of light. ๐Ÿ˜€ I get dressed up, check my calendar, make notes, check for meetings, take all the essentials and whooooosh! I am on my way to my office! ๐Ÿ˜€

12:45 pm โ€“ I am at the office replying to emails and to your lovely comments, checking event invites and scheduling meetings. Unlike Delhi I don’t have to attend a lot of meeting and go to multiple events in Goa, because its a new place and I am still trying to get settle down here, but there is always some visiting to do. After this I would finish working on a pending post (if any) or would start conceptualizing a new post. Conceptualizing post are quite sessions, thinking, thinking and jotting down new ideas. I also update my social media sites at this time, a photo on Instagram, a twit on twitter, an update on roposo, a snap on snapchat. (Wait! But I snap all day on snapchat, ahhahha! :D) ย Also I would grab a quick brekkie before lunch, that is by all means is a fruit, and not just any fruit, no-carbs-no-fat fruits, preferably apples, oranges, grapes or a watermelon! ๐Ÿ˜€

2:00 pm โ€“ ย Itโ€™s the lunch time! I mostly have lunch at my office but there are few lucky days when I get to go home for lunch. Its also time for some lazing around and taking a break form this hectic schedule, so i grab a few fashion magazines and read them or you would find me doing some online shopping! ๐Ÿ˜€

4:00 pm โ€“ After lunch I check my mail again to see if thereโ€™s a reply and then begin a power packed creative work. This time I finalize the posts that are going to be published today and the day after. Then I take out my camera and select/edit my pictures. After all this has been done, Iย build story boards, prep up for meetings (if any) or anything important.

6:30 pm – Time for some distressing! At this time I surf for inspiration for my next set of photos/posts, watch a tutorial or two may be. ๐Ÿ˜€ After this I catch-up with my buddy bloggers, stylists, designers, take an update on collaborations, attend a meeting may be. Nothing feels as good as socializing! ๐Ÿ˜€ I also like to eat tinsy-binsy thing this time, like a light snack or soup, it helps me going till dinner! ๐Ÿ˜€

8:30 pm โ€“ ย Dinner time! If it is a weekday, we have dinner at our office, loaded ย with work to do I eat my dinner. Then I bind up all my work, publish all the post, take update on everything and leave the office for home! But if its a weekend, then time for some fun and action! ๐Ÿ˜€ On weekends I prefer to checkout hip places of Goa! I would go on dinner with my family or with friends,ย dancing my ass-off at clubs and hogging on some scrumptious food, allowed on weekends. ๐Ÿ˜€

10:30 pmย โ€“ Official time to relax after a tiring and hectic day! At this time I take a break from all the hustle bustle of a busy day and take a walk at beach and or in a garden near my place. ๐Ÿ˜€ Taking walk at a beach soothes and inspires me a lot, its a perfect way to release all the tension and the work load. The atmosphere, the people, the culture, I try to soak everything in. Its so lovely in Goa, always! ๐Ÿ™‚

12:00 am – Time to bed, but not to sleep yet! ๐Ÿ˜€ I check with my blog stats, check mail once, see the response on my newly updated blog, reply to comments, plan the next day and then shut everything down all together, no phones, no laptop! I begin to read a book and help myself sleep! (Before that I follow my night skincare routine obvio!) :D. Bye-bye world, I will see you next morning, when my maid will knock at my door! ๐Ÿ˜› ๐Ÿ˜€

Love <3


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