

Dark Underarms? Not anymore!

Yes, it’s winter here my dearies. Which means no shaving. Which means no coarse hair. Which means this is the perfect time to begin the following regime. You see, I’m not even going to try to boast about how patriarchy has set some standards for the women’s beauty and all those sentences which may or may […]

5 DIY Brown Sugar Scrubs!

  Brown Sugar Quick Facts Name: Brown Sugar Colours Distinct brown colour Shapes Size is variable but generally less than granulated white sugar approximately 0.35 mm. Taste Sweet Calories 551 Kcal/cup Major nutrients Carbohydrate (109.41%) Iron (12.88%) Calcium (12.00%) Copper (7.56%) Vitamin B6 (4.54%) Health benefits Completely Free of Chemicals; Has Important Minerals for The […]